Recent Publications from Dr. Liechty

Professor Mark Liechty has several recent publications. First, Dr. Liechty co-edited "Nepal in the Long 1950s," which according to Dr. Liechty has "created something of a stir in Nepal academic circles because it applies a global social/cultural lens to a key era of modern Nepal's history that has traditionally been approached through diplomatic and 'Great Men' forms of historiography." Second, Dr. Liechty has a chapter in the volume called "The Key to an Oriental World: Boris Lissanevitch, Kathmandu's Royal Hotel, and the 'Golden Age' of Tourism in Nepal," hitting on themes from his prior work on Nepalese tourism and the vision of Kathmandu in the west and beyond.  There has been lots of press and podcasting on and about the book, which you can find at the link provided.