Our PhDs

We are proud to showcase the dissertations of our PhDs.
Completed Dissertations by Year Heading link
2022 PhDs
Ana Luiza Morais Soares
Surviving the Concrete Jungle: Indigenous Children in the Brazilian Amazon (1860-1910) (A. Roosevelt, Chair)
2021 PhDs
Kimberly A. Parish Garza
Real Lives True Stories: Peer Interactions and Stress Among Middle School Girls (S. Williams, Chair)
Ellen K. Kang
The Non-profit, Community Gardeners Market: Food Production and Distribution in a Chicago Food Desert (A. Roosevelt, Chair)
Caleb Kestle
One Foot Out The Door: Late Postclassic Zooarchaeology of Lake Mensabak, Chiapas, Mexico (J. Monaghan, Chair)
Marie Elizabeth Grávalos
Tracking Recuay Traditions: A Materiality Approach to Ceramic Production and Political Economy in Ancient Peru (P.R. Williams, Chair)
Alize Arican
Figuring It Out: Inhabiting Urban Transformation in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul (T. Bedi, Chair)
Wenpeng Xu
Export-Oriented Porcelain Economy in Song-Yuan China: Production Strategies, Interactions, and Networks (L. Junker, Chair)
2020 PhDs
David Reid
Networks of Empire: The Role of Infrastructure in Wari State Expansion in Arequipa, Peru (AD 600-1000) (P.R. Williams, Chair)
2019 PhDs
Benjamin Linder
Mobility, Cosmopolitanism, and the Productions of Place in Kathmandu: A Spatial Ethnography of Thamel (M. Liechty, Chair)
Awarded the 2020 UIC Outstanding Dissertation Award (Behavioral and Social Sciences Division)
Patrick M. Knight
From Maintenance to “Recovery”: Mental Health Care and “Necessity” in the Age of Assessment (M. Liechty, Chair)
Michael Armand Paredes Canilao
Ethnohistorical Archaeology, GIS Analysis, and Satellite Remote Sensing of Five Gold Networks in Luzon (L. Junker, Chair)
Zachary Blair
Machine of Desire: Race, Space, and Contingencies of Violence in Chicago’s Boytown (G. Reddy, Chair)
Douglas K. Smit
Mercury and the Making of the Andean Market: An Archaeological Study of Indigenous Labor in Colonial Peru (B. Bauer, Chair)
2017 Dissertations
Madeleine Halac-Higashimori
Diet and Ancient Maya Socioeconomic Status at Xcambó, in Yucatán, Mexico. (J. Palka, Chair)
Alexander Marković
Gypsy Fingers are Unique! Identity Politics and Romani Musical Performance in Vranje, Serbia (M. Liechty, Chair)
Awarded the 2017 UIC Outstanding Dissertation Award (Behavioral and Social Sciences Division)
2016 Dissertations
Dylan Thomas Lott
From Interiority to Inner Territory: Tibetan Buddhism, Neuroscience, and the Politics of Representation (M. Liechty, Chair)
Rebecca Mears Seifried
Community Organization and Imperial Expansion in a Rural Landscape: The Mani Peninsula (AD 1000-1821) (W. Parkinson, Chair)
Received the 2016 UIC Outstanding Dissertation Award (Behavioral and Social Sciences Division)
Danielle J. Riebe
Interaction and Socio-Cultural Boundaries During the Late Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain (W. Parkinson, Chair)
Laura Nussbaum-Barberena
Repossessing Democracy: Nicaraguan Women Migrants Constructing a Culture of Participation (M. Doane, Chair)
Stephen P. Davis
Strangers and Priests: Latino Activists and Contested Communities in a Movement for Immigration Reform (J. Monaghan, Chair)
2015 Dissertations
Sofía Chacaltana Cortez
Regional Interfaces between Inca and Local Communities in the Colesuyo Region of Southern Peru (P.R. Williams, Chair)
Erin Joy Peregrine Antalis
Belonging in the Margins: Mothering as Citizenship Among Resettled Refugees in Chicago, Illinois (C. Patil, Chair)
Paul Andrew LaKosky
Contexts of Sex-Based Exchange: A Cultural Analysis of Risk Perception and Behavior (M. Lieber, Chair)
2014 Dissertations
Evin Rodkey
Life After Deportation: Surviving as a Dominican Deportee (M. Liechty, Chair)
Christopher Sean Davis
Archaeoastronomy of Terminal Pleistocene Rock Art on the Amazon River at Monte Alegre, Pará, Brazil (A. Roosevelt, Chair)
Matthew Piscitelli
Ritual is Power? Late Archaic Small-Scale Ceremonial Architecture in the Central Andes (J. Haas, Chair)
Cecilia Alaina Smith
Haven Geographies and the Indigenous Prestige Economies of Spanish Colonial Philippines (L. Junker, Chair)
2013 Dissertations
John Michels, 2013
Where Do We Go From Here? Rural Development and Gentrification in the Almaguin Highlands, Ontario (M. Doane, Chair)
2012 Dissertations
Jeff Buechler
Maya Socio-Political Interaction and Domestic Archaecture in the Petexbatun, Guatemala (J. Palka, Chair)
Deirdre Guthrie
Friction and Flow in a Dominican Tourist Town (M. Liechty, Chair)
Ken Batai
Effects of Female Gene Flow and Effective Population Size on Old and New World Mitochondrial DNA Patterns (S. Williams, Chair)
2011 Dissertations
Nicola Sharratt
Social Identities and State Collapse: A Diachronic Study of Tiwanaki Burials in the Moquegua Valley, Peru (R. Williams, Chair)
Lisa C. Niziolek
Ceramic Production and Craft Specialization in the Prehispanic Phillipines, A.D. 500 to 1600 (L. Junker, Chair)
2010 Dissertations
Nam C. Kim
The Underpinnings of Sociopolitical Complexity and Civilization in the Red River Valley of Vietnam (L. Keeley, Chair)
William J. Pestle
Diet and Society in Prehistoric Puerto Rico: An Isotopic Approach (A. Curet, Chair)
Russell S. Quick
Refuge Fortifications and Linienbandkeramik Site Clustering in the Hesbaye Region of Belgium (L. Keeley, Chair)
Mark Golitko
Warfare and Alliance Building during the Belgian Early Neolithic, Late Sixth Millennium BC (L. Keeley, Chair)
Received the 2010 UIC Outstanding Dissertation Award (Behavioral and Social Sciences Division)
Debra K. Green
Geoarchaeology of Prehispanic Agricultural Landscapes in the Bais-Tanjay Basin Negros, Oriental (L. Junker, Chair)
2009 Dissertations
Ruth Gomberg-Munoz
Hiding in Plain Sight: Labor and Legality in a Mexican Immigrant Network (A. Wali, Chair)
Received the 2010 UIC Outstanding Dissertation Award (Behavioral and Social Sciences Division)
Tarini Bedi
Shiv Sena Women and the Gendered Politics of Performance in Maharashtra, India (M. Liechty, Chair)
2008 Dissertations
Andrew R. Wyatt
Gardens on Hills: Ancient Maya Terracing and Agricultural Production at Chan, Belize (J. Palka, Chair)
Received the 2009 UIC Outstanding Dissertation Award (Behavioral and Social Sciences Division)
Rosa M Cabrera
Beyond Dust, Memories and Preservation: Roles of Ethnic Museums in Shaping Community Ethnic Identities (A. Wali, Chair)
Rahul Chandrashekar Oka
Resilience and Adaptation of Trade Networks in East African and South Asian Port Polities, 1500-1800 CE (C. Kusimba, Chair)
2007 Dissertations
Judy Kemp
Sharing Space with Tourists: A Sicilian Case (J. Phillips, Chair)
Marisa Fontana
Of Walls and War: Fortification and Warfare in the Mississippian Southeast (L. Keeley, Chair)
Kara Babrowski
Ethnogenesis and Genetic Identity among the Taita and Mijikenda of Kenya: A Mitochondrial DNA Case Study (S. Williams, Chair)
2006 Dissertations
Vania Smith
Nation Policies, Local Knowledge: Women’s Health and Political Ecology in an Indigenous Mexican Village (A. Roosevelt, Chair)
Kathleen Forgey (deceased)
Investigating the Origins and Function of Nasca Trophy Heads Using Osteological and Ancient DNA Analyses (S. Williams, Chair)
2005 Dissertations
Thomas J. Loebel
The Organization of Early Paleoindian Economies in the Western Great Lakes (L. Keeley, Chair)
Mary R. Vermilion
The Loyd Site (11 MS 74): A Prehistoric Moorehead Phase Nodal Site (J. Phillips, Chair)
Laura R. Waterbury
In A Land With Two Laws: Spanish and Indigenous Justice in Eighteenth Century Oaxaca, Mexico (G. Feinman, Chair)
David K. Wright
Environment, Chronology and Resource Exploitation of the Pastoral Neolithic in Tsavo, Kenya
Patricia Williams Lessane
Tell My Feet I’ve Made It Home: African-American Imaginings of Home and To Find the Orixas (M. Lieber, Chair)
2004 Dissertations
Kathleen A. Rizzo
The Socioecology of Alouatta pigra at the Calakmul Archeological Zone and Biosphere Reserve, Mexico (J. Prost, Chair)
Ellen R. Quinn
Excavating “Tapajó” Ceramics at Santarém: Their Age and Archaeological Context (A. Roosevelt, Chair)
2003 Dissertations
Edward F. Maher
Food For the Gods: The Identification of Philistine Rites of Animal Sacrifice (J. Phillips, Chair)
Sharon M. Peniston
Women’s Knowledge: An Examination of How Traditional Cultural Practices Survive in Modern Societies (A. Wali, Chair)
2002 Dissertations
Michael W. Hudson
The Black Paradox: The Role of Racism in Maintenance of Collective Identity (A. Wali, Chair)
Iman Nader Saca
Reconfiguring the Early Upper Paleolithic of the Southern Levant: The Bigger Picture (J. Phillips, Chair)