Summer Accomplishments

Dr. Bauer hugging an alpaca

Welcome back from summer break! Many of our community members have had incredible accomplishments over the last few months. Here are the highlights.

Professor Brian Bauer was recognized by the City of Cusco for his contributions for archaeological research.

Graduate student Luis Gomex Ordonez published a book chapter in German. He and his colleagues hope to publish an English language version soon. The name of the chapter is: "Auf dem Weg zu einer kritischen Umweltpsychologie in Zentralamerika Die Problematisierung von Grenzen und Ungleichheiten" which translates roughly to "Towards a critical environmental psychology from Central America: problematizing borders and inequalities" You can find more detail about it here.

Graduate student Gabi Powell won a 2024-2025 DHEFF award from the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

Undergraduate alum Cata Herrera was selected as a Kaleidoscope Program Scholar for 2024. The Association of Research Libraries Kaleidoscope Program is a two-year commitment that aims to prepare IBPOC graduate students for purposeful and consequential careers in research libraries and archives through enriched leadership development and community-building opportunities. Scholars will receive financial support for tuition and professional development, attend virtual educational sessions, the ARL Leadership Symposium, the member institution site visit, participate in a formal mentorship program, peer-mentoring community, and individual coaching.