Luis Gomez Ordonez
Graduate Student
Anthropology, Sociocultural
Building & Room:
BSB 2012
1007 W. Harrison St.
I am an interdisciplinary social scientist from Costa Rica, interested in social justice issues and decolonial approaches in knowledge production.
My background is in psychology, Latin American studies, cultural studies, and development studies. Currently, I am studying cultural anthropology in order to have a better understanding of socio-symbolic inequalities and post-development approaches.
Selected Publications
Adams, G., Kurtiş, T., Gómez-Ordóñez, L., Molina, L. E., & Oropeza, I. D. (2018). Decolonizing Knowledge in Hegemonic Psychological Science. In N. N. Wane & K. L. Todd (Eds.), Decolonial Pedagogy. Examining Sites of Resistance, Resurgence, and Renewal (pp. 35–53). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01539-8_3
D’ Antoni, M., & Gómez Ordoñez, L. (2017). Violencia, bullying y autoritarismo en la escuela secundaria. In T. Cordero (Ed.), Reflexiones desde la investigación socio-educativa en contextos de exclusión (1st ed., pp. 13–36). INIE, Universidad de Costa rica.
Burton, M., & Gómez Ordoñez, L. (2015). Liberation Psychology: Another Kind Of Critical Psychology. In I. Parker (Ed.), Handbook of Critical Psychology (pp. 348–355). Routledge.
Llaguno, E., & Gómez Ordoñez, L. (2013). Los “reservistas” o el ejército latente: De las antinomias de la razón tolerante al discurso de la seguridad. In A. Grimson & K. Bidaseca (Eds.), Hegemonía cultural y políticas de la diferencia. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
Gómez Ordoñez, L., Adams, G., Ratele, K., Suffla, S., Stevens, G., & Reddy, G. (2021). Decolonising psychological science: Encounters and cartographies of resistance | The Psychologist. The Psychologists, Vol.34, 54–57. https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-34/september-2021/decolonising-psychological-science-encounters-and-cartographies-resistance