Maria Isabel Guevara Duque
Graduate Student
Anthropology, Archaeology
Building & Room:
BSB 2102
1007 W. Harrison St.
I am an Ecuadorian Archaeologist specializing in the Northern Andes. I am interested in the use of archaeological science to answer questions about trade and exchange, craft production of metals, lithic artifacts, and textiles, and the origins and expressions of inequality in complex societies. I am currently focusing on archaeometallurgy and provenance studies of artifacts from Mesoamerica.
Selected Publications
2018 La presencia de obsidiana en ocupaciones Valdivia y Jama Coaque en Matapalo, Manabí. In De arqueología hablamos las mujeres, edited by María Auxiliadora Cordero, pp. 81-93. Ediciones ULEAM, Manta. http://www.munayi.uleam.edu.ec/de-arqueologia-hablamos-las-mujeres-perspectivas-sobre-el-pasado-ecuatoriano/?fbclid=IwAR1Hk6jWTTrjyXMe4fw_5TZXJbwEgE7GnaMq9ouWA18td8GlqLER3t0D7GY
2018 MSc. In Science and Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
2018 M.A in Archaeology and Environment, Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2016 B.A in Liberal Arts with a focus on Archaeology and Art History, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
Professional Memberships
Colegio de Arqueólogas y Arqueólogos de Ecuador
Research Currently in Progress
Sourcing of metallic artifacts from Mesoamerica through the use of chemical methods.