News Dr. Roosevelt Publishes Book Chapter Professor Dr. Anna Roosevelt has published a new chapter in the peer-reviewed volume Archaeology in a Living Landscape: Envisioning Nonhuman Persons in the Indigenous Americas from the University of Florida Press. The chapter… Dr. Solinis-Casparius Awarded Grant Assistant Professor Dr. Rodrigo Solinis-Casparius has received the John Nuveen Fun Internationalization Grant to help support his Mesoamerican Studies Collaboration Program (MSCP) between Universidad de Guadalajara and UIC. Two Graduate Students Awarded IRRPP DRGs Two of our graduate students just won Dissertation Research Grants from the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy! Thermal Ellawala received funds for to study ‘When Ephemera Bind: On Negative &… Dr. Gül Publishes Two Articles Bridge to Faculty Postdoctoral Scholar Dr. Zeynel Gül has published two recent publications. The article “Diagnostic Ecologies: Medical Standards, Tinkering, and Worker Health in Turkey,” has been published today in Medical Anthropology Quarterly… Dr. Mouftah Publishes New Book Dr. Nermeen Mouftah’s new book Read in the Name of Your Lord: Islamic Literacy Development in Revolutionary Egypt is now out with the Public Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa series at… UIC and Field Museum Partnership Featured in News The partnership between the UIC Anthropology Department and the Field Museum, specifically with reference to Day of the Dead celebrations, was recently featured in UIC Today. The article was also picked up by… Dr. Bauer Publishes Book Translation Dr. Brian Bauer and colleagues have published their translation of Martín de Murúa’s 1616 chronicle “The General History of Peru” with University Press of Colorado. This is the first time that this important… Dr. Bedi Awarded Prize for Article LAS Distinguished Professor Dr. Tarini Bedi has been awarded the annual Cultural Horizons Prize by the Society for Cultural Anthropology for her 2023 article “Bumpy Roads, Dusty Air: Gadbad and the Sensate Ecologies… Luis Gomez-Ordonez Publishes Book Chapter UIC Anthropology PhD Student Luis Gomez-Ordonez has just published a co-authored book chapter entitled “Reflections on Decoloniality, Liberation and Community Psychology” which appears in the Handbook of Decolonial Community Psychology. You can find… Benjamin Bernard-Herman Wins Wenner-Gren UIC Anthropology PhD student Benjamin Bernard-Herman has been awarded a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation to continue his project “Beyond the ethics of ethical consumption: small-scale farmers and the paradoxes of moral markets.” Melanie Kane Receives Award of Merit UIC Anthropology Program Coordinator has been recognized with a 2024 Award of Merit from the Chancellor. This is a huge honor, and extremely well deserved. Congratulations to Melanie! New Publications from Dr. Starkweather and Dr. Álvarez Velasco Assistant Professor Dr. Katie Starkweather is first author on a new article in Social Science & Medicine called “Impacts of women’s work and childcare on child illness among Bangladeshi Shodagor communities.” Assistant Professor… Summer Accomplishments Welcome back from summer break! Many of our community members have had incredible accomplishments over the last few months. Here are the highlights. Professor Brian Bauer was recognized by the City of Cusco… Graduate Student Rosa Varillas Awarded Armour Graduate Student Fellowship PhD student Rosa Varillas has been awarded the Armour Graduate Student Fellowship at the Field Museum for the 2024/2025 academic year. She will use the time to complete analyses of survey and excavation… Graduate Student Susan Monge Awarded NSF Grant PhD student Susan Monge has been awarded an NSF DDRIG for her dissertation entitled “Insight into the Process of Animal Domestication and Adaptation.” Congratulations to Susan! Dr. Bauer, Dr. Rabie, Dr. Sacks, and Dr. Álvarez Velasco Granted Creative Activity Awards The UIC Awards for Creativity Activity have been announced and we have several winners! Dr. Brian Bauer: “The Suspension Bridges of the Inca Empire” Dr. Kareem Rabie: “Everywhere in the World there is… End-of-Semester Graduate Student Accomplishments As the semester draws to an end, we want to inform everyone of the incredible honors some of our graduate students have received this week. Award for Graduate Research: PhD student Sravanthi Dasari… Dr. Rabie Named Institute for the Humanities Faculty Fellow Dr. Kareem Rabie, Associate Professor of Anthropology, has been announced as an Institute for the Humanities Faculty Fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year. Dr. Rabie will be working on a project titled “Everywhere… Dr. Bedi Honored with LAS Distinguished Professorship Please join us in congratulating Dr. Tarini Bedi on her new appointment as LAS Distinguished Professor! This award was established in 2006 to recognize exceptional faculty members for their significant and sustained intellectual scholarship in… Multiple Accomplisments from Graduate Student Themal Ellawala Recently, UIC Anthropology PhD student Themal Ellawala has had two articles accepted for publication, won a fellowship, and was interviewed for a special series on Indian marriage equality. Themal’s articles are “Revisiting Austerity:… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next