News Dr. Feinman Publishes New Book Dr. Gary Feinman (MacArthur Curator of Mesoamerican, Central American, and East Asian Anthropology at The Field Museum and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at UIC) has published a new book in the Cambridge Elements… Dr. Reddy and Dr. Guevarra Awarded Dr. Scholl's Foundation Scholarship Dr. Gayatri Reddy and Dr. Anna Guevarra received a Dr. Scholl’s Foundation Scholarship for Advancing Global Human Rights and Environmental Justice. In partnership with the Law School and School of Public Health, they… Alum Dr. Ridge's Dissertation Recognized with Honorable Mention from Graduate College Dr. William Ridge, PhD from UIC in 2023, has been recognized by the Graduate College with Honorable Mention in the Outstanding Thesis competition for his dissertation “Sociocultural and demographic change in villages on… Fall 2023 End of Semester Graduate Student Awards Four anthropology PhD students have been awarded funding for their dissertation projects. Congratulations! Award for Graduate Research (UIC Graduate College) Cyrus Banikazemi – “Community and Reorganization After the Fall of States: A Study… Dr. Rabie Interviewed About West Bank by "The Baffler" Dr. Kareem Rabie, Associate Professor of Anthropology and member of the Middle East and Muslim Societies Cluster, was interviewed about the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank by Joshua Craze for… Dr. Álvarez Velasco Publishes Article in NACLA Report on the Americas Dr. Soledad Álvarez Velasco, Assistant Professor in Anthropology and Latin American and Latino Studies, has co-authored an article published in NACLA Report on the Americas. The article is called “Circulation and Solidarities in… Dr. Feinman and Dr. Wali Publish Articles in Annual Review of Anthropology Gary Feinman, Curator of Anthropology at the Field Museum, has published a review article in Annual Review in Anthropology (2023) entitled, “Reconceptualizing Archaeological Perspectives on Long-Term Political Change.” Drawing mainly on archaeological evidence from… Dr. Watson Publishes Articles in Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa Dr. Sara Watson, Negaunee Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Field Museum, has co-authored an article in Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa entitled “Small tool production in the Howiesons Poort: a view from Montagu… Dr. Cveček Published an Article in "History and Anthropology" and Won an Award Visiting scholar and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow Dr. Sabina Cveček recently had an article published in History and Anthropology entitled “No Place like Home for Metalworkers: Household-based Metal Production at Early Bronze Age… Graduate Students Aldo Foe and Kendall Hills Publish Article in Asian Archaeology UIC Anthropology PhD students Aldo Foe and Kendall Hills have co-authored an article in Asian Archaeology titled “Land suitability modeling and monumentality in Southeast Asia: case studies from Indonesia and Cambodia.” Abstract: In… Dr. Álvarez Velasco Interviewed for TV Program on Child Migration Dr. Álvarez Velasco was interviewed for a TV Program on Child Migration by Canal 11 TV UNAM Mexico. This is the second part of her interview. A link to the video through Facebook… Dr. Álvarez Velasco Interviewed for Article in Chicago Tribune Dr. Álvarez Velasco was interviewed for a recent Chicago Tribune article titled “Volunteers say buses of migrants arriving in Chicago at increased rate.” The link to the article below, although a subscription is… Dr. Liechty's Book "What Went Right" Wins Surya Subedi Prize Dr. Liechty’s book “What Went Right: Sustainability versus Dependence in Nepal’s Hydropower Development” has been awarded the Sunya Subedi Prize by the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The annual award… Review of Dr. Rabie's Book "Palestine is Throwing a Party and the Whole World is Invited" Published in American Anthropologist A review of Dr. Rabie’s recent book “Palestine is Throwing a Party and the Whole World is Invited” has been published by Timothy Seidel in American Anthropologist. Associate Professor of Anthropology Dr. Kareem… Dr. Bandama Publishes Article in African Archaeological Review UIC Lecturer of Anthropology and Assistant Curator in African Anthropology at The Field Museum Dr. Foreman Bandama has co-authored an article in African Archaeological Review titled “Science, Not Black Magic: Metal and Glass… Publication for Graduate Student Mayisha Mou Graduate Student Mayisha Mou has co-authored an article titled “Non-Linear Migrations and Urban Resilience” in Bhúmi, The Planning Research Journal. New book co-edited by Mitch Hendrickson Congratulations to Dr. Mitch Hendrickson on the publication of his co-edited volume, ‘The Angkorian World’ which came out through Routledge Press. For more information you can click on the following link. Rosa María Varillas Co-Authors Article in Latin American Antiquity Graduate student Rosa María Varillas has co-authored a recent publication in Latin American Antiquity titled “Exploring the Quotidian: An Analysis of Plain-Weave Textiles at Cerro de Oro, Peru, during the Sixth to Tenth… Kendall Hills Awarded Field Museum Fellowship Graduate student Kendall Hills has been awarded the Women in Science Graduate Student Fellowship at the Field Museum. This year-long fellowship will support her completion of her dissertation and research using collections at… Corey Bowen Awarded Grant from American Philosophical Society Graduate student Corey Bowen has been awarded the Lewish and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research Grant from the American Philosophical Socieity to support his upcoming fieldwork at Tiwanaku in Bolivia. Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next